PEEWEE AE STARS FINISH LAMBETH LANCERS IN 3 AND HEAD TO THE FINALS, News, Pee Wee AE ('98-'99), U12-U13 Travel, 2010-2011 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 02, 2011 | csanford | 1306 views
The PEEWEE AE TEAM came out in game 2 of the series and dominated the Lancers in a 7-1 win and then held on in game 3 to win 5-4 in another hard fought battle.

Even though the STARS were short players due to injury and sickness, the boys played complete games as a TEAM and came out on top to eliminate Lambeth in three straight games and are headed to the Shamrock Finals.  Morale is running high in the PEEWEE AE CAMP, goals are being scored, checks are being finished, passes are being completed, saves are being made and pressure is being applied.

In the 7-1 victory in game two, Tysen Hunter led the way with 2 goals and 2 assists.  One of the goals seems to be a new signature for the STARS TEAM; another short handed goal, breaking thru the blue line, going wide and a rush straight for the net.  Ethan Emick got the puck from a face off, deaked to the side of the net and scored.  Cameron Watson netted 2 as he battled for control and received passes from across the ice.  Colin Wright also got a pair on the night, as he speeded down the wing and blasted a couple past their net minder.  Tyler Cleary helped out on so many rushes to the net, setting up his teammates for the win.

Chris Wood was really only tested a couple of times on the night, but always made the save when a shot came by.  The defense really made a difference to this game, giving great puck support to Woody.  Corey Fox and Carson Nurse made sure that if Lambeth was coming towards the net, they knew there was going to be a price to be paid.  Sam Graham and Noah Allen controlled the blue line and made sure all pucks were turned the other way.

Game 3 saw a much more focused opponent in Lambeth and they kept clawing their way back into the game, at one point in a tie at 4-4, then the STARS took the lead again 5-4 and held on to endure and overcome a power play for the last two minutes of the game by the Lancers.  Ash O’Connor made sure that Lambeth knew the STARS came to play and came to win by blocking shots and taking their forwards wide.  Getting the STARS on the scoreboard was David Gauthier as he caught a pass from Ethan Emick and lifted it past their goalie.  Tysen Hunter and Josh Allen both had a pair on the night in the battle on the ice.  Ryan Payne has become the new face off winner for the PEEWEE AE STARS TEAM.  It just seems he never looses at the draw.  Matt Beckwith again came up with the game winning saves to help the STARS advance.  Matt McBurney had one solid performance on the ice, battling and keeping control on the boards and creating breakout plays for his line.