ST THOMAS ATOM AE JR STARS had a very exciting weekend of hockey. The boys participated in the Blenheim Golden Acres Rep Tournament and should be very proud of their efforts. “It showed all of the players, what it is like to play at a higher level of competition,” said Coach Chris Sanford. This tourney was also a very good opportunity to practice at a higher level for the teams upcoming tournaments. Although the boys did not win a game, they certainly gave Ridgetown a real surprise. Ridgetown is first in their very competitive league and the STARS made them work hard to earn that win. It was a tough, fast paced game that was 1-1 halfway thru the third period.
Congratulations to Sam Graham, who was chosen to compete in the skills competition event of the tournament. Sam did an awesome job in the skating and shooting events. You could tell he was having fun with the big grin on his face. Hold on to those memories buddy.
The team took a few hard hits, resulting in lots of pain and injuries. Luckily Ryan Payne is doing great. He will be out for a week or two while his knee heals but nothing was broken or fractured. Ryan could not be kept away from the arena though and came on crutches to cheer on his team and show some real team spirit. Rest up Ryan and we’ll see you on the ice in no time.
Once again STARS, GOOD JOB!!!
Let’s take all that we have learned and give it our best this coming weekend at the Chatham Silver Stick Tournament!