Sep 14, 2013 | cjohnston | 779 views
I would like to congratulate the boys on the excellent team effort at today's game. You have made the selection a real challenge, would love to take you all, but must limit roster to 15 skates.
The following are the final roster for team.
Zach Archibald
Nelson Clarke
Tristan Cruickshank
Connor Eveland
Ethan Georgijev
Drake Hunter
Angus Johnson
Tyler Johnson
Ethan Miron
Nathan Metzenberg
Sam Mogk
Darryn Olyschlager
Alex Popen
Isaac Shearer
Owen Wookey
Ethan Giles (G)
Markus Thompson (G)
Coaching staff will be contacting a couple players/parents regarding AP positions.
We have a game tomorrow, Sunday, Sept 15 @ 2:15 pm against Kent Cobras located at Thames Campus (St Clair College) in chatham. Please be there by 1:15 as we will be doing a brief dryland. Dress respectfully for the game. Address is 1001 grand ave west, chatham....I recommend you take Bloomfield road exit off 401.
PARENT MEETING: Immediately After tomorrows game in Chatham, and would like all players to be there also.