Sep 06, 2012 | jjohnston | 1288 views
Final Tryout Saturday
The final tryout on Saturday will be a green on white game. This will give the coaches a final look at the players in game situations before we make our final tough decisions.
Please have your player there and ready to go on the ice at 12. When you arrive at the arena there will be a list of names on each dressing room door and the number of the jersey they will wear. There will be several players missing due to the competitive end of year soccer tournament in Woodstock. As a coach I feel it is not fair to expect them to miss the finals for a tryout in another sport, and affect the team that has depended on them all summer. These players have been evaluated, and decisions will be made based on their first two tryouts.
There will be 8 players per team, so we will play 4 on 4 with 2 lines per team. Everybody will get a lot of ice time, and will rotate positions during the game. Good luck, be sure to bring your AE game.
On a final note, for those players trying out from house league, there are a few things that you may not know. Firstly, there is a travel up fee of roughly $400 due in October that pays for 2 jerseys and 2 pairs of game socks, along with all of the additional ice time that your player will get playing travel hockey. Secondly, this team is a commitment. Practices are not optional, and I expect players to be ready to go on time. Finally, our away games are usually within an hour drive, sometimes on school nights. If this changes your desire for your player to play travel hockey, please let myself or one of the other coaches know prior to the game. You are certainly more than welcome to participate in the game for fun and the experience.
See you Saturday Jason