Mar 15, 2011 | dvannoord | 1634 views
Just one word, but a complete sentence. When one hears the word Pride,many things come to mind. Your thoughts turn to every moment in your lifetime that has brought you that feeling.
Pride is a very powerful word. It is also a feeling that should embody any team sport. As Minor Hockey coaches it is our duty to teach and guide our players in the proper direction to better their skills, understanding and abilities when playing the sport of hockey. Some coaches feel it ends there. I feel it just scrapes the surface.
Minor Hockey is a life lesson. It prepares our children for the road ahead of them. Sound a bit over the top? I don't think so. Minor Hockey teaches our children ethics,manners,sportsmanship,teamwork,social skills and so on. Fundamentals that are key as you grow. Imagine a life without those fundamentals. Now imagine Minor Hockey and a life without Pride.
The Bantam AE Jr. Stars have benefitted from not only a coaching philosophy that puts the players first and foremost, but also from a coaching philosophy that focuses on Life Lessons.
Sunday March 13th marked another of those Life Lessons. The coaching staff asked the players and those holding positions within the team to don a team jersey of their choice. Their favourite team. Some kids found this a bit odd, but did as asked. Little did they know this was another Life Lesson. Sure there were many different colours and teams on display, but the message was resoundingly clear.
When you pull the jersey of your favourite team over your head. You are stating to everyone your allegiance to that team. You don it with Pride. You feel one with that team. You are Proud. Same thing can and should be said when each and every player dons the STMHA Jr. Stars jersey. You are unified. You are one. You are playing for the crest on the front of that jersey, not the number or name on the back. You are Proud to be a Jr. Star.
Life Lesson complete.