Schedule Posted, News, St. Thomas Major Tournament, 2012-2013 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 09, 2012 | lsmith | 1555 views
Schedule Posted
The St. Thomas Major Tournament Schedule has now been posted.


All teams must check in at the tournament office at least 1 hour prior to their first game to present their Approved Roster and Travel Permit (non OMHA Teams only). There will be a tournament office located at both the Timken Centre and Memorial Arena so you can check in where you play your first game.  Players are NOT required to sign in.  

RULES: A team’s standing in the preliminary round will be determined by the total points accumulated.  No overtime will be played in the preliminary round. 

There will be a maximum of six (6) points to be awarded for each game as follows:
(a) Two (2) points will be awarded to the winner of a game.
(b) One (1) point will be awarded to each team of a tie game.
(c) One (1) Point will be awarded to the team who scores the most goals during the period for each period of every game.
(d) Half (½) a point will be awarded to each team if no team scores in the period or each team scores the same number of goals in the period.

Complete Tournament Rules can be found to the left.

SCHEDULE & RESULTS: The complete tournament schedule can be found on our web site.Game results will be posted on our tournament web site through-out the weekend.  

DRESSING ROOMS: We would ask that all teams treat our facilities like they would their own. We take pride in our facilities and we hope everyone will do the same by respecting the arenas rules and staff.   

If you find a dressing room in disrepair upon entry please notify the tournament office immediately.  

Good Luck to all teams.