Sep 08, 2023 | Jake Westover | 671 views
U16A Tryouts
Welcome to the U16A Tryouts!!
The coaching staff would like to extend a warm welcome to all and provide some information for our tryout process below.
.....No Releases will be made until after the 3rd Tryout on Fri Sept 22nd....
When you come to the 1st tryout on Sept 19th at 8:00pm, you will:
1. Check in
2. Receive a numbered tryout pinnie, please return after the tryout to the main desk
* Any walk ups who have not yet registered will be able to register on the spot*
If you haven't signed up for tryouts yet, please do so here -
1. Each player should bring their own labelled water bottle.
2. All Releases and players moving forward will be listed on this team page.
Your coaches will be evaluating your effort, attitude & skills throughout this process. Please keep an eye on the website for important notices and check back frequently as schedules can change.
We are looking forward to an exciting competition & some very hard decisions....
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us.
Thank you from your Coaches, Jake & Kevin