Sep 24, 2022 | rkee | 1149 views
U12-U13 B Roster and Time Changes
I have made a few changes to the rosters for Sunday's tryout. Please make sure you are able to show up for your designated time slot.
Group 1
Tyler Hartman G
Liam Coleman G
Leighton Davey G
Nash Okkerse G
Aaron Stevens D
Ben Boyd D
Keenan Ruttan D
Cody Ratsep D
Drew Smith D
Dylan Hawes D
Hayden Taylor D
Reid See D
Lewis Dodge D
Keaton Smith D
Maxwell Annett F
Jacob Grant F
Evan McGugan F
Taylor Willemse F
Hayden Lovette F
Jack Dennis F
Logan Gosnell F
Maddox Smith F
Mason Fasseel F
Matthew Pette F
Dallas Payne F
Trent Graham F
Parker Douglas F
Rhys Panyi F
Max Boughner F
Riley Apfelbeck F
Eric Gaudet F
Group 2
Dawson Cochrane G
Klark Kewley G
Layne Stirling G
Ben Trieu D
Carter Shantz D
Troy Langford D
Heath Maclean D
Jackson Vowel D
Tyler Fehr D
Tanner Stinson D
Jack Velestuck D
Aidan Rutkauskas F
Nathan Shelton F
Brady Congdon F
Nolan Beecroft F
Evan Johnston F
Max Grzegorczyk F
Brady Kee F
Linkin Kellington F
Owen Lupson F
Alex Haynes F
Finn O'Sullivan F
Myles Camacho F
Cameron Dodd F
Cole Morgan F
Logan Friesen F
Gavin Marchand F
Hudson McQuiggan F
Fransz Borsboom F
Once again if there are any issues please let me know. i will be releasing players after the final skate on Sunday. Please note that these releases will be made late Sunday night due to the time of our last skate. Eveyone worked hard today and I am hoping to see the same effort tomorrow.