Sep 21, 2022 | Matt MacFarlane | 1452 views
U12A/AA - Tryout Update - 21/09/22
The tryout roster will remain as it is until Thursday evening after our exhibition game in Sarnia. Please check after the game. Players highlighted in
YELLOW will be dressing in Thursday nights exhibition game in Sarnia at 6:30pm.
Please be at the rink no later than 5:45pm on Thursday. Clearwater Arena - 1400 Wellington St, Sarnia, ON N7S 5R5
Jerseys will be provided. Please wear black socks if possible, and remember to bring a labelled water bottle.
Please check this website daily for upcoming exhibition game and roster updates.
Dorrestyn |
Friesen |
Harris |
Esler |
Dodd |
Dryfhout |
Grant |
Hinton |
L'Heureux |
Saad |
Yost |
Summers |
Camacho |
Adzija |
Thorogood |
Battaglia - D |
Verbrugge - D |
Stinson - D |
See - D |
MacFarlane - D |
Fehr - D |
Shea - D |
Farquhar - D |
Streib - D |
Haines - G |
Hartman - G |
Van Duynhoven - G |
Ambrose - G |