Sep 10, 2021 | Austin VanderBurgt | 1110 views
Hey Everyone, my name is Austin VanderBurgt and as you probably already know I will be the new coach for the U12 Minor Peewee A team this year. I wanted to welcome everyone who intends to tryout for the team, the first tryout is on Friday September 17th.
Before coming to tryouts, please please please read the STMHA covid-19 protocol and ensure that it is followed. We all want to have fun and for this to be a great year of hockey, but for that to happen we have to work together and be as safe as possible.
Over the course of the tryouts, whether that be in the form of general announcements such as this, posting team rosters, changes to the calendar, etc. the coaching staff and I will be using this website to communicate.
I cannot wait to see everyone Friday, and I wish everyone trying out the best of luck!