Oct 16, 2020 | Diana Wilson | 386 views
Welcome Team White - Hockey is back!
IP2 - Team White
Players: Drew Shaw, Alec Thompson, Nash Urbshott, Blake Zylstra, Curtis Ranick, Duke Bridges, Claire Jefferson, Harrison Malpage, Brexton Saelens, Renan Daponte, Jaxson Gaudon
Coaches: Jeff Shaw, Aaron Daponte, Shawn Gaudon
IP2 - 2014: Saturday’s |
IP2 - 2014: Sunday’s |
Enter Facility at 8:30am |
Enter Facility at 7:15am |
On Ice at 8:45am |
On Ice at 7:30am |
Off Ice at 9:30am |
Off Ice at 8:15am |
Exit by 9:35am |
Exit by 8:20am |
Reminder: Return to Play Protocol - Let's do our best to keep everyone safe!
- Digital Health Checks must be completed for both the players and the spectators prior to entering the arena. Please complete your Sportsheadz Account registration so that this process can easily be monitor by coaches, parents and STMHA Volunteers using the Digital Health Check Screening.
- Due to dressing room restrictions we ask that all players show up with their skates on (skate guards would be ideal) or possibly carry your child into the facility. Face coverages are to be worn by all players until they head onto the ice.
- No hockey bags, please consider small duffle bags for carrying of helmets, gloves and water bottles (must be labelled)
- Front doors will be open 15 minutes prior to your skate and will be open for a few minutes to allow traffic to enter. Please show up on time as there is no guarantee you will get in if you show up late, as the doors will be locked.
- Team lists are posted below. We ask that only the coaches listed are to be on the ice, if you are a coach and cannot attend then please let another coach know and see if you can find a replacement.
- Due to dressing room restrictions there will only be allowed 9 players (no parents) in the dressing room at any given time. We will be assigned two dressing rooms and there is designated space outside of room 1 on the bench for 5 kids when in rooms 1 and 2. When we are in rooms 3 and 4 there are benches outside of room 4 to accommodate 5 kids. There will be no use of the half ice boards or mini nets this season.
- Face coverings must be worn by spectators at all times - no exceptions.
- The City has marked seating in the stands to identify where spectators are to sit, we ask that you follow the directions and adhere to social distancing policies. Spectators MUST sit in the marked seating areas and are not permitted to be on players benches or standing around the glass.
- When your ice session is over we ask that you exit through the North door (arrows will direct you), do not exit back through the front arena doors.