Sep 16, 2018 | Darren Hines | 1226 views
Atom AE Final Roster
Tryout Parents and Players: For tryouts I had the good fortune to work with several independent evaluators in determining the roster for this years team - and there was consensus amongst all. Below are your 2018-19 Atom AE Jr Stars. There will be a MANDATORY parent meeting preceding practice tomorrow at 5:30 in the OhiOntario Room at the Joe. Each player is expected to have at least 1 parent/guardian attend. There will be LOTS of information to share. This is a parent only meeting (no players).
2018-19 Atom AE Jr Stars
P. Rattray
K. Wilkins
E. DaCosta
L. VanVelzer
D. Thomas
B. Hines
W. Rutkauskas
R. Hartford
M. Morrow
L. Busby
C. McClellan
D. Smith
R. Weir
L. Sutton
J. Circelli
G. Summerhayes
A. Houde
AP Players (I will communicate to you with regards to the plan for coming out to practices).
T. McClellan
H. Rose
B. Pearse