Sep 13, 2018 | Cutler Jones | 1115 views
Friday Sept.14, 6pm, Argyle Arena, London
I want to thank everyone for the effort that they have put into tryouts. The decisions have been very difficult to this point. If your name is not on the list below, please check the Novice Local League schedule as we will have two teams and practice will begin soon.
The following players will continue on in tryouts, everyone on this list will play in London Friday night.
Brady Congdon
Cole Dailey
Charlie Matsos
Jackson O'Dell
Quinn Wilson
Zack Clark
Mathew East
Cutler Jones
Hudson McQuiggan
Linkin Kellington
Colton Dryfhout
Benjamin Trieu
Troy Langford
Kayden Martin
Jake Shaw
Rylan Dacosta
Leighton Davey
Ethan Gillis
We will have jersey's to wear, please bring your own water bottle if you would like one.