Sep 10, 2018 | Cutler Jones | 846 views
Roster vs. Port Stanley Wed. Sept.12
Good effort in the game tonight, just a reminder that we want to see players working hard and battling every shift that they are on the ice. The following is the roster for Wednesday game in Port Stanley, please arrive to the arena at least 30 minutes before the game.
Fransz Borsboom
Brady Congdon
Logan Cox
Dylan Hawes
Linkin Kellington
Owen Lupson
Jackson O'Dell
Benjamin Trieu
Mason Cowie
Mathew East
Evan Johnston
Troy Langford
Keenan Ruttan
Jake Shaw
Braeden Dryfhout
Ethan Gillis
Dawson Cochrane
Leighton Davey
We will have jersey's for everyone, please bring your own water bottle if you would like one.