Sep 08, 2018 | Cutler Jones | 799 views
Monday Roster vs Oakridge
I want thank everyone for the effort that they have put forth so far, I like seeing all of the hard work. The following will be playing Monday night 6:00pm at the Joe Thornton Centre, please be there at least 30 minutes before game time.
Cole Dailey
Logan Cox
Mathew East
Zack Clark
Brady Congdon
Cutler Jones
Quinn Wilson
Charlie Matsos
Hudson McQuiggan
Kayden Martin
Linkin Kellington
Colton Dryfhout
Troy Langford
Jake Shaw
Benjamin Trieu
Ethan Gillis
Rylan Dacosta
We will have jerseys to wear, please bring your own water bottle if you want one. I will post the roster for the game Wednesday on Monday night.