Sep 11, 2017 | Emily Ellis | 1479 views
Our Team’s tryouts will begin this week
1. Wed, Sep 13 6:45 PM-8:15 PM Tryout Timken Centre (Presstran Rink)
2. Fri, Sep 15 6:45 PM-8:15 PM Tryout Timken Centre (Presstran Rink)
3. Sat, Sep 16 2:00 PM-3:30 PM Tryout Timken Centre (STMHA Rink)
All players trying out for the team will be invited to the first two sessions.
The 3rd and final try out will be for those selected to move forward then the final roster being selected after the final tryout.
We ask the players and parents to check in at the registration table to pick up a pinnie for the tryouts. They must be returned after each session.
If you have any questions, please email me via
Looking forward to it.
Mark Ellis