Sep 11, 2017 | Darren Hines | 1543 views
Atom AE Tryout Schedule
Great effort by all of the boys today! Here are the rosters for the 3 exhibition games. There will NOT be any releases until after Saturdays game when I will post the final roster. All players are to be at the rink a Minimum 45 mins prior to gametime. Be prepared in warmup pants and running shoes to do a warmup. Any concerns please don't hesitate to email me at
[email protected].
Thursday 5:15PM Timken
Forwards- Ben Whelan, Alex Maderios, Connor Crosby, Andrew O’Brien, Michael Carroll, Hudson Else, Tyler Terpstra, Adam Thomson, Blake Nicholson.
Defense- Ethan DaCosta, Isaac Maderios, Alex Moyes, Gavin Morningstar, Lucas Skirtschak, Mitchell Dennis.
Goalies- Julian Smith, Brayden Pearse.
Friday 6:30PM Dorchester
Forwards- Tytin McLellan, Alex Kazmir, Ben Whelan, Connor Crosby, Alex Moyes, Andrew O’Brien, Michael Carroll, Adam Thomson, Mason Morrow.
Defense- Gavin Morningstar, Nicholas Kazmir, Steve Ouellet, Lucas Skirtschak, Mitchell Dennis, Bailey Hines.
Goalies- Julian Smith, Brayden Pearse.
Saturday 12:30PM Timken
Forwards- Alex Kazmir, Blake Nicholson, Alex Maderios, Mason Morrow, Hudson Else, Tyler Terpstra, Ben Whelan, Tytin McLellan, Isaac Maderios.
Defense- Steve Ouellet, Bailey Hines, Ethan DaCosta, Nicholas Kazmir, Alex Moyes, Mitchell Dennis.
Goalies- Julian Smith, Brayden Pearse.