Tyke MD 2014-15 Final Roster, News, Tyke MD ('07), U9 MD, 2014-2015 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 16, 2014 | tcoombs | 1402 views
Tyke MD 2014-15 Final Roster
Throughout the tryouts all players displayed a combination of skill and hard work.  This made it very difficult to come to a final decision for this year’s roster.  To those not selected we wish you all the best at Novice Select tryouts and for the year ahead.  Thank you for your dedication throughout the tryout process.  The following players have been selected to play for the 2014-15 Tyke MD Jr. Stars.  

Nash Coombs
Carter Craig
Nicholas Glanville
Darren Hagerty
Bryce Hampton
Chase Holder
Matthew Masschaele
Hunter McQuiggan
Alex Medeiros
Issac Medeiros
AJ Power
Ethan Silcox
Rhys Smart
Sam Taylor
Keaton Vanbelois
LJ Wilson
Mathew Zylstra

There will be a short 15 minute parent meeting for those selected to the team on Wednesday September 17th following practice. At least one parent from all families must be present as multiple forms to be completed and valuable information will be shared.