Sep 10, 2014 | tcoombs | 1104 views
Roster Update September 10
I would first like to thank all the boys for their hard work during the tryouts this far. This year we have had an amazingly competitive tryout. All decisions have been extremely difficult. For the players not listed below, I wish you all the best at Novice Select tryouts and for a great season ahead. For those listed below you will continue through the tryout process next week.
Mason Burns
Nash Coombs
Carter Craig
Adam Derganc
Nicholas Glanville
Darren Hagerty
Bryce Hampton
Chase Holder
Owen Lawrence
Kaleb Levesque
Matthew Masschaele
Hunter McQuiggan
Alex Medeiros
Issac Medeiros
AJ Power
Ethan Silcox
Rhys Smart
Julian Smith
Sam Taylor
Keaton Vanbelois
LJ Wilson
Mathew Zylstra