Tryout Update, News, Minor Pee Wee A ('01), U12-U13 Travel, 2012-2013 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 22, 2012 | dwestaway | 941 views
Tryout Update
The coaching staff of the Minor PeeWee team would like to thank all of the players for giving their best efforts during the tryouts. We were very impressed by the skill level and determination of all of the players that were on the ice. Unfortunately we are not able to keep all of the players and have to make some difficult choices.

If your name is not listed we encourage you to attend the AE tryouts on Tuesday, September 4th at 7 pm. Scott Carrie will be the coach of the 2000-01 PeeWee AE team this year. We would like to wish all of the players trying out for the AE team a very successful season. The following players are asked to continue with the tryout process: Harrison Bell
Aaron Chute
Nik Churchill *
Chase Cookson
Luka Dennis
Brad Grignard
 Taylor Honsinger
Drake Hunter
Greg Innes
JD Jakobi
Devon Kaplanis *
Mason Newell
Mac Van Os
Peter Vanderwyst
Miles Vaughan
Brad Vehoeven
Ian Westaway *
David Wintermute
Blake Zehr
Tommy Zufelt
* indicates players that will not dress for the exhibition game vs the London Bandits on Wednesday, August 29th at 6:45 pm at the Timken Centre. All other listed players should be at the arena by 6 pm ready to focus on hockey. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Dave Westaway at [email protected].