Aug 31, 2011 | scasey | 2292 views
2011/12 STMHA Major Midget Roster Announced
The Coaching Staff of this seasons Major Midget team would like to thank all of the 50 players who tried out for the team this year. Everyone worked hard and their effort was appreciated.
Those players who were not selected to play on the Major Midget team are invited to attend the Midget AE tryouts starting on Sept 6th. (See the Midget AE team page for a complete schedule).
Our 1st practice will be Tuesday, Sept 6th 9:30-10:30pm. We will have a parent/player meeting before the start of our 2nd practice on Thursday, Sept 8th... the meeting will start @ 7:30pm. Please refer to the team calendar for a complete schedule.
Any questions regarding team selection can be referred to the Head Coach, John Corkum.
Congratulations to the following players...
2011/12 STMHA Major Midgets
Taylor McArthur
Cody Taggart
Will Strong
Garret Rinas
Ryan McDonnell
Adam Kohler
Tanner Turley
Harrison Luce
Taylor Emmerton
Brad Daly
Conner Hodgins
Zak Jukna
Dan Gordon
Andrew Fenn
Tyler Beaulieu
Mark Brisson
Trevor Smith
Ricky Corkum
Evan Devrieze