Oct 04, 2022 | Sandy Gillis | 364 views
Now that all of the REP tryouts have completed, and with players coming back from the C tryouts we are able to get a better idea of what players we have at this age group.
Players will be grouped prior to Friday into 2 teams. Green or White.
Fridays skate has now been combined and all skaters will be at the JOE Arena from 5:00pm to 6:00pm. This will give all of our coaches and volunteers who have now come back from the tryout process a chance to see the tentative teams and make changes if necessary.
Saturday @ 12:30pm will consist of an exhibition game between the two teams. We will have a score keeper and a Referee for this game, as well as jerseys. If the game is equal and balanced we will move forward with the teams as selected. If we need to make further adjustments this will give us the opportunity to do so.
We are aware that this age group has had its challenges with getting up and running with some of the things that have taken place. Please understand that with the tryouts overlapping local league at all ages from U13 to U9 we have had our challenges making sure we have enough volunteers to help get the league running. We could of started Local League after all of the Rep teams were completed but we really wanted the kids to be on the ice as soon as possible and get them skating. Local League consists of over 20 teams, 250 kids. All of which must be organized and scheduled within a 2 to 3 week period. Let alone ensure there is enough volunteers for each team.
We are an organization that offers both REP and Local League and must follow strict guidlines set forth by Hockey Canada to role out each. Some centers do not have the challenges we face as they do not offer the levels that STMHA does.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.