Hey Stars Families time to spring clean the garage, basement, or mud room and bring us your 'snapped twigs', 'broken wings', and your 'stubbies'!
The Board of St. Thomas Minor Hockey is running a used hockey stick drive this coming Saturday for a great cause!

Meet Jake Smith and his dad Jason our neighbours to the north in London. Click here to read and view the story of this awesome father and son team:
Your old hockey stick can live on and help a young man's future | CTV News
It has taken a bit to get this organized as we were not able to secure the use of the parking lot at 'The Joe'. We are thankful to have one of our association sponsors Geerlinks Home Hardware step up and allow us the use of their parking lot for a drop off depot this Saturday May 8th from 1pm - 3pm (rain or shine).
We will be located in the southeast corner of the Geerlinks Home Hardware parking lot (intersection of First Ave and Wellington St). Look for the STMHA signage and STMHA board members/players in Stars jerseys.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and protocols this is a drive thru. Please do not park and/or exit your vehicle. Be patient and a STMHA board member (or maybe their representative player) will retrieve the stick(s) from your vehicle.
Come on Stars.....let's "do this ferda Smith boys"!!