Midget Local League Rosters - REVISED, News, Midget Local League ('00-'98), 2015-2016 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 06, 2015 | adouglas | 1250 views
Midget Local League Rosters - REVISED
Midget Local League Rosters have been finalized.  Thank you to all involved in running the evaluation sessions.

Midget Green Midget White

Coach: Paul Glen Coach: Sheldon Speers

Belanger, A Baker, R (G)
Belanger, G Brown, B
Degeer, E Downie, P
Douglas, C McLaughlin, J
Farrell, R McVeigh, P
Glen, R Ricker, S
Lasson, Z Sanford, N
Levesque, J Smith, H
Martin, R Speers, T
Mastrandrea, Z (G) Vandernbor, B
McComb, K Verdel, J
Payne, R Watson, C
Turvey, S Wilkinson, C