Oct 04, 2015 | aking | 1090 views
Team Rosters Are Up!
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out during the evaluation process and to our coaches who have stepped up and volunteered to coach our Atom Teams this year!
Team rosters have been released; please go to the team pages located on the left numbered 1-4. Please find your child's team and look at the upcoming schedule; practice's start tomorrow night @ 5:30 and 6:30pm, and games this coming weekend.
Please contact me asap if you do not see your son's or daughter's name on a list on one of the team pages, or if you have any other questions or concerns. You will receive your jersey and socks tomorrow night at your first practice, so plan to come a bit earlier if possible please.
If at any time during this season you have any questions or concerns please let your coaches or myself know.
Good luck to all the teams in their upcoming 2015/2016 season!