Organization | Feb 04, 2016 | Vicki Fenn | 5650 views
House League Final Day
House League – Final Day
year House League final day will be
on March 5th.
Thanks to everyone Players, Coaches and Parents, who made it a successful season.
After your game on the 5th players will be directed to the Gymnasium to grab a piece of pizza and receive their, well deserved, end of the year awards.
Thanks again for all those who dedicated so much time to the running of a successful House League program. Your contributions do not go unnoticed.
For anyone interested in helping out with House League next year in either a coaching, convening or just overall organizational capacity please email “VP House-League Email Address”.
Thanks for a great year!
Please come to our AGM in May. We are looking for individuals dedicated to improving HL and possibly creating a HL committee.
Angela King Jamie O’Brien
VP House League Director of Development