Aug 10, 2011 | lsmith | 1234 views
Bantam House League Schedule UPDATED
For the 2011-12 Season the Bantam House League will run as follows:
PRACTICES - Monday's at Timken Centre - 7:00 & 8:00pm.
GAMES - Saturdays at Timken Centre - 5:15 & 6:15 pm.
House League will start OCTOBER 1st with Evaluation Skates. On EVALUATION DAYS please report during the following ice times based on the first letter in your last name:
Saturday October 1st - Timken Centre:
6:30pm STMHA Rink - last names from M-Z
6:45pm Presstran Rink - last names beginning with A-N
Monday October 3th - Timken Centre
7:00pm STMHA Rink - last names M-Z
8:00pm STMHA Rink - last names A-N
Once evaluations are complete players will be placed on teams and listed on the web site.
*please note days, times and number of teams are subject to change based on final registration numbers.