Jun 29, 2017 | STMHA | 3568 views
Programming Change to IP 2 and Tyke Select B (Minor Tyke)
Earlier this year Hockey Canada announced new policy mandating cross-ice/half ice hockey for all Initiation-aged players.
This policy is effective immediately and begins with the upcoming 2017-18 season. It will have an immediate impact on players with the 2011 birth year. Please read directly from Hockey Canada's website:
Watch a video prepared by Hockey Canada describing the importance of coss-ice/half ice hockey here:
St. Thomas Minor Hockey has already been operating cross ice and/or half ice programming at the IP 1 (Initiation Program 1) level for many years now.
Under direction of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and Hockey Canada we will be expanding (or continuing) this cross ice / half ice programming to IP 2 for the upcoming 2017-2018 season.
This policy change will also affect our Tyke Select B (Minor Tyke) program for the upcoming season. More information will be shared with interested parents/players as it becomes available to STMHA from the OMHA.
In the meantime if there are any questions or concerns please direct them to STMHA at the following email address:
[email protected]