Apr 20, 2016 | Vicki Fenn | 2529 views
STMHA Coach Announcement
The Board of
Directors of STMHA met last evening and on recommendation of the Coach
Selection Committee approved the following head coach appointments
for the upcoming 2016-2017 season:
Minor Atom A - Andrew Power
Major Atom A - Joe Doyle
Minor Peewee A - Mike Babcock
Major Peewee A - Brent Kidder
Minor Bantam A - Steve McVittie
Major Bantam A - Wayne Devries
Minor Midget A - Pete Vanderwyst
As a friendly reminder spring tryouts are scheduled to start the first week of May. Check this link
http://stmha.net/Tryouts/ for scheduled tryout dates and times.
Click here Tryout Registration to complete our online tryout registration form.