Oct 16, 2012 | lsmith | 17985 views
McDonald Awarded OHF Bursery
St. Thomas Minor Hockey Board of Directors would like to congratulate Ryan McDonald on being awarded a 2012 Ontario Hockey Federation Bursary.
Ryan was selected from amongst hundreds of applications for a $1000 bursary. Each year, the OHF awards bursaries to outstanding young people who display an incredible amount of commitment both at the arena and in the classroom. The bursary recipients are determined on the basis of academic achievements, hockey involvement and community involvement.
Ryan who spent many years with STMHA as a player, timekeeper and referee is now attending Conestoga College in Cambridge.
Congratulations Ryan.
For more information on the OHF Bursary Program please visit the OHF web site - www.ohf.on.ca
Ryan is pictured receiving his cheque from STMHA Past President - Chris Smith