In its continuing efforts to improve STMHA programs and to provide feedback to coaches and team staff members, STMHA is pleased to provide parents with an online program evaluation surveys as well as a coach/ staff member evaluation surveys. We are seeking your honest constructive feedback and to allow for this coaches and staff members will only be provided with survey summaries and feedback on comments and not with the actual individual survey comments. We are striving to improve our programs and to provide valuable feedback to coaches and staff members on what areas they are doing well in, as well as areas that they could perhaps improve upon. Read on for links and more information.
Surveys can be accessed by clicking on the below links or by clicking on the “Parents” Tab above and then selecting the appropriate survey.
To evaluate the Enhanced Peanut/Tyke Program click on the link below;
Peanut/Tyke Program Evaluation Survey
To evaluate and provide feedback to your House League Team Coach and Staff Members (Novice and up) click on the following link;
House League(Novice and above) Parents Survey (Coach/Staff Member Evaluation)
To evaluate and provide your feedback to your Travel Team Coach and Staff Members (Tyke Select and above travel teams) click on the following link;
Travel Parents Survey (Coach/Staff Member Evaluation)