Hi Everyone,
Hoping everyone had a great Christmas spent with family!
I just wanted to send an update in regards to the Government press conference which happened yesterday, Monday Jan 3, 2022.
As of Wednesday, January 5th, at 12:01am, we will have a pause on programming until January 27th as per the current and most recent release from the Provincial Government announcement. See full details here:
Return-to-play framework for professional and elite amateur sport leagues and events | ontario.ca
We are hopeful and anticipate that on January 27th, we can make a full return, and continue on with the remainder of the hockey season. As always, when we hear something we will do our best to communicate to everyone in a timely manner.
The development that was scheduled for the month of January will re-start once we return, to ensure nothing gets missed.
Watch the STMHA.net website for details closer to the week of January 27th.
Please stay safe and do your part wherever possible!
STMHA Board of Directors