Feb 26, 2021 | Joe Doyle | 13114 views
SEASON UPDATE - Feb 26 2021
Hello Stars Families,
The province has announced today that effective Monday March 1st at 12:01 am, our PHU will be moving into Orange of the provincial framework.
This means we can resume full team practices effective March 1st 2021. In addition, dressing rooms will be opened for players to finish putting their skates, helmets and gloves on.
Friendly reminder below:
- No outside food or drink allowed to enter the facility
- Masks MUST be worn until skaters/coaches enter the ice surface
- Doors will remain locked until 15 minutes prior to scheduled practice times
- Social distancing measures are still in place
- Players need to continue arriving dressed for practices
- Teams are to enter facility through the front doors, and exit after practices on the side doors (depending on rink)
- Teams are expected to leave facility following practices within 10-15 minutes.
This is a move in the right direction!
Have a Great Weekend!
STMHA Board of Directors