Feb 13, 2021 | Joe Doyle | 15647 views
SEASON UPDATE - Feb 13 2021
Hello Stars Families,
The STMHA Board of Directors appreciates your patience as we navigate the road ahead during these challenging times. In addition, we would like to thank those who took the time to complete the on-line survey that went out Saturday morning.
Based on the completed survey, over 60% voted in favour to return to playing hockey. With that in mind, the STMHA Board has come up with a hybrid plan for the Return to Hockey for the remainder of this season.
All participants, who have paid their registration in full, will have the option to continue the season for the remaining weeks, starting Tuesday February 16th, and ending Sunday April 11th 2021, on their designated team event day.
The Return to Hockey Plan will follow the provincial framework colour coded guidelines (located on our STMHA Website, about us, Links). U7 and below parents/guardians are still allowed to attend your child's practice.
- to date we are in colour RED.
Coaches will be receiving an email from STMHA board with recommendations on how to proceed shortly.
For anyone who would NOT like to continue, please get in touch with Vicki or fill out the request for refund form located on our website under the Registration Page. This form MUST be completed no later then Wednesday Feb 17th 2021.
The pro rated refund determined by STMHA Board is $100 for Houseleague / Local League players, and $200 for Representative players. Again, this refund amount are only for those participates who have paid their full registration fee of $625 - House League/Local League players, and $900 - Rep Players.
*** For those who have not paid their full registration amount, please make arrangements with Vicki no later then Tuesday February 23rd 2021.
We hope this will be a short term solution, and hope to be back in colour Orange in March to finish the season off.
Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Family Day Weekend!
STMHA Board of Directors