After an successful start of the Rep/Travel Return to Play
season, we are looking forward to start our house league schedule on Monday
September 28th.
Rosters/ Groups will be posted on each league site by end of
day Tuesday September 22nd.
Schedules will soon follow.
House League 2013
House League 2012
House League 2009,2010,2011
House League 2007,2008
House League 2005,2006
House League 2003,2004
As we continue to Return to Play |
OMHA Stage 3B, our house league season will be different where the primary focus is on player development. With the cautious start, we share the following guidance on your family arrival at the Joe Thornton Community Centre.
- Players must be ready 15 minutes prior to their schedule ice time. Arena access will be very restricted; players risk not be able to access building should they arrive late. Spectators will not be able access our community centre.
- Players will need to get ready either at-home and/or in the parking lot. Groups using Presstan or STMHA pads will all enter through the front main doors, and exit on opposite sides of building. Presstran exit is located on the northside (St. Thomas Skate Park), STMHA pad will exit on the southside (near Knights of Columbus).
- All coaches, players must wear a face mask to gain entry. Players will than go to dressing room where they may put on skates, helmets, and gloves. Face Masks can be removed once helmet is on. Dressing rooms (or walk-way benches) have limited seating and proper space provided to maintain social distancing. A 'Covid / Ice Watcher' will invite players onto to ice once the ice refinishing process has concluded.
- Skate guards are encouraged should their young hockey player not be able to independently tie skates.
- Loaner Goaltender equipment for the young ages will not be available during early stages of return to play. Modified Ice Rink dividers / red mats will not be available.
Finally, all participates accessing the community centre (bench staff, players, and etc.) must perform the
STMHA Covid-19 Self-Assessment located within the black ribbon near the top of the screen.
This assessment must be completed prior to each scheduled ice time.
Note: Initiation Program - Players born after 2014, we are continuing to postpone the start until October 10th.
Thank you, and welcome back.
James Sutherland
STMHA VP of Recreational Hockey |
[email protected]
Go Stars!