During the next two weeks, we are hosting Mike Brisson to take timeless photos of players and our teams.
You should have received an envelope from your team coach (or perhaps directly from Mike). If not, no worries, on your picture day, we do have extras' but please come prepared.
The following is their day and actual going on the ice time
****All players are to be dressed and ready 1/2 hour before their actual going on the ice time for individual photos***
October 28th
445pm.....IP 1. .. Black and Orange
645pm...ATOM HL.....Battation and Kings
745pm...ATOM HL..... Canucks and Blackhawks
9pm....Travel ....Minor Midget
October 29th
5pm....Travel.....Atom AE
7pm....Midget LL GREEN
October 30th
5pm....Travel ...Minor Atom
9pm....Travel ....Bantam
November 1st
5pm ....Bantam LL....Black
November 2nd
830am....IP2....Black and Orange
930am....Minor Novice HL....Blue and Black
1030am...Novice HL ...Green and Blue
1130am ....Minor Novice LL
November 4th
445pm....IP 1....Red and Blue
7pm...Bantam LL...Green
8pm...Bantam LL....White
9pm...Travel Midget
November 5th
730pm.... Midget LL .... White
8pm.....Travel ...Minor Bantam
815pm....Travel ... Bantam AE
November 6th
7pm.....Travel ... Minor Pee Wee
7pm...Travel ... Pee Wee
November 7th
545pm...Travel ...Pee Wee AE
7pm ....Pee Wee HL ....Red and Black
8pm ...Pee Wee HL....Blue and Yellow
November 9th
830am... IP2 ....Red and Blue
930 am ...Minor Novice HL....Orange and Red
1030am....Novice HL....Black and Red